HSBC x Change Please Coffee
Wunderman Thompson
+ Design
+ Artwork
+ Layout
Working with Change Please, HSBC UK are supporting the homeless by repurposing London buses. The buses offer free essential mobile services – such as dentistry, haircuts and financial help and guidance.
Last year the buses provided direct support to more than 400 guests, who are sleeping rough on London’s streets. The number of rough sleepers is rapidly rising, so the services the buses provide, are desperately needed. The aim is that the services will run for two years and expand outside of the UK, to France and USA.
In conjunction with local charities, HSBC UK provides support and resources on finances, assisting people in opening a basic bank account with their ‘No Fixed Address’ service. The 'No Fixed Address' service aims to provide access to a basic bank account without the need for ID or proof of address. Hopefully helping people to get back on their feet.
I am privelleged to have helped on this fantastic project with the team at Wunderman Thompson. Working from an initial concept by the creative team; I helped refine and create the final design of the bus wrap.
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